I'm tired.
Initially wanted to get all my things today but went home with nothing.
Met Barry and his friend at yewtee then we headed to town with my bro and taiwan girl.
Th bag my bro wanted from Xingru's shop was out of stock.
HAHA, but he bought a psp then did his things thr, so we stayed at Xingru's shop about 2hr before leaving.
Ate at Shiqi's shop den went home.
Siao anot you tell me, go town eat breakfast/lunch then go home.
You know i found these somewhere and it was titled as ;
What every girls wants.
Girls would want to find a guy who calls her beautiful instead of hot,
calls her back when she hang up on him,
lies with her under th stars to listen to her heartbeat,
or stay awake just to see her sleep.
Girls would wait for a guy who kisses her forehead,
who wants to show off to th world even when she's in sweat,
who holds her hand infront of his friends,
who think she's pretty without makeup on,
one who constantly reminding her how much he cares
and how lucky he is to have her.
HAHA, i think th guy would be so tired then.
I wouldn't want a guy like this though.
I'd prefer a guy who scold me when i make mistakes,
come over to my house when i can't go out,
tells me things tht amazes me
and gives me th security.
Sounds like my dad. LOL!
Anyway don't you think th one i found online is impossible to achieve?
Where can you find a guy tht actually does these for you?
HAHA, he'll get tired of it soon, and maybe i will too.
Ok, stupid.
I'm really tired.
Guess i'm either sick again or just lack of sleep because i slapped myself awake this morning.
Had a call from Thailand from granny so had to force myself up just to talk to her.
I slapped myself real hard and bro was shocked!
He was like, why are you slapping yourself? Dreaming?
LOL. No, it's simply because i had to do it or if not i'll not be in a clear state to say nice things to granny since i'm not at my best in th morning.
Ok, world.
Let's start th countdown.
My birthday is coming in approx 3 weeks time.
Time to save up or smash your piggy bank to buy me present.
Byebye world.
I love orangeblack ultra big Halloween lollies.
Replies to tags;
Jordon- Wth! Your mum OFFERED to treat me ok. And your mum loves me too
much to see me starve la. Siao, your house got how many cockroach to
Shiqi- No lei, not very rich. You richer.
Ignatius- Hohoho. Better than you. LOSER.