I sincerely apologize to friends!
I din join th mahjong. ):
I really want to join, but i only have 1 grandma lei.
Cant afford to lose her.
So, sorry!
So holiday are coming!
Manhunt for Mas Selamat ok?
Th prize is still thr right?!
Watch out for my face in th news;
Rmb i said abt th world's ending on 2012?
Its true.
First we have this Pope guy predicting tht it'll end on 2012.
Den ozone layer&whatever depleting.
After tht, Mas Selamat escapes&may bomb us.
We'll all be dead!!!!!!!!!!!
Den here comes this terrible disaster at China&Myanmar.
Everything is nearer&nearer.
Ok, we'll all die.
Be mentally prepared.
Go complete your to-do list before time runs out.
You know like,
- lose your virgin
- go down-up escalators
- kill an insect
- appear on tv
- hit your siblings
- sit an aeroplane
- ace your test
- kiss your crush
- etc.
I think it cool dying together.
Rather than you die before your friends/parents den they'll cry.
Die together damn shiok one, you dont need to cry for me, i dont need to cry for you.
I'm not talking crap here ok.
Wait for a few months, another disaster will be approaching.
Replies to tag;
Kass- Oh, yaya. LOL.
Chuhui- No lei. Eh, tuesday meet breakfast. I treat you. Rolling love is nice. :D
Jasmine- Fuck you. In school den tag me, at home lei? Forget about me! Haha. My $10! Owe $ pay $ ok! LOL.
Monday wanna meet?
Rebecca- If no time den actually you can watch it at crunchyroll.
Soucrce based questions- Comfirm plus chop&every single shit you have. :D
http://youtube.com/watch?v=WAzu-uD8MFs - this is Icaru's hey gorgeous.
But is th perfoming&result part, not searching in progress one.