Tuesday, May 13, 2008

This is definitely not Elaine. Its OH ELAINE going crazy. Ha. Ha. Ha.
Credits to Reb. :D

Here, presenting the survey that kills time.

1.What age do you wish to marry?
Any age as long as i feel its the right time&with the right one.

2.What do you want the most right now??
See 7 wonders of th world before 2012!

3.What do you want to be in your next life?
A ordinary person with extraordinary powers like maybe change 10cents to 10mil?

4.Something to describe yourself?
Fat cheeks resulting from excessive talking.
Thats what Grayson say to me, yes! He's a bad guy.

5.If you can have 1 more dream to come true, what would it be?
To another 1001 dreams.

6.What are you afraid to lose now?
My hands, leg, fingers etc. Technically, every part on me that if i lose, it'll jeprodize my dream of becoming a choreographer.

7.Do you believe in ETERNAL love??
No, i think its bullshit.

8.If you meet someone you love, would confess to him/her?
Yeah, why not. For all you know he/she might die the next day.

9.How would you spend your 200 bucks??
Save 50bucks for rainy days. Th rest to those who need it more than i do.
See, i'm very caring. :D

10.what are the requirement(s) that you yearn from your other half?
Most essential, LOYAL. I wouldnt care so much abt lying or looks or whatsoever.
I care most about loyalty!

11.So you cherish every of your friendship?
Like who dont? Wait, you mean you dont?

12. What type of person do you hate most?
No type, i'm trying to be nice to everyone now. Maybe the type of person i hate most turns out to be rich's man son/daughter how?

13.Do you believe in god?
No. Another bullshit.
If you think god can save you den jump down from 100th storey to see whether he really does.

14.What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
Family, friends&dancing.

15.Do you find a need for you to have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
No. High probability tht i would neglect them for dance.

16.What do you want your friends to be like?
Tell me everytime that i rocks! Just kidding. Let them be just them, the true them.

17.What are the things that you will think of?
What kind of qestion is that?!?! I think of EVERYthing!

18.What is your favorite hobby?
Dancing dancing dancing!
Talking talking talking.
Eating eating eating.

19.If you are feeling down one day, who will you go to?
Froggy. He've always been by my side. I cant imagine one day w/o him.

20. how would you spend your day if today is the last day on earth?
Smile&laugh for the remaining hours. I want to die happily.

Lazy to list the people out.
Do it if you feel like.