How to play:
1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3.Use the song title as the answer to the question if it doesn't make sense. No cheating.
4. With your answer, giver your own comment on how it relates to the questions.
5. Tag 5 people.
How are you feeling today?
I need you.
LOL? I'm feeling great. I dont think i need anyone.
Will you get far in life?
Haha. As far as th cannonball?
How do your friends see you?
Who knew.
Ya la. Like who knows!
But i'm pretty sure they think i'm insane.
Will you get married?
tian tian quan - xiaoxun&ah ben
Maybe. I love to. (:
What is your best friend's theme song?
xing fu jiu hao.
Ya, as long as she's happy. She love to be happy ma.
What is the story of your life?
No, its devil in angel disguise!
What was high school like?
Take your sweet time.
Haha, true. I take my sweet time in everything i do.
How's your life going?
It's not over.
Ya. It's not over. I've yet to get back at ppl who made my life miserable.
I sound so evil. LOL.
What's the best things about your friends?
gen zhe wo den tempo.
They really followed. Aiya, dont know la!
What song will they play during your funeral?
When you're gone.
Haha! Interesting coinsidence!
How does the world see you?
Chui chui feng.
Ya, i often chui chui feng. :D
DO people secretly lust after you?
Keep holding on.
How do i know how to relate to th question?
How can you make yourself happy?
Big girls dont cry.
I try not to cry. &tells myself everyone loves me. Ha!
What should you do with your life?
With love.
Study&earn big bucks. I cant find time to fall in love now.
Will you ever have children?
Zuo ni de gong zhu.
Probably no. But it depends la.
What song will you strip to?
tou hao tian xin.
LOL! Maybe its like too high? Ha!
What does your mum thinks of you?
One step at a time.
She thinks i'm damn relax? Not true.
What is your deep, dark secret?
Sleeping with the light on.
I sleep with the lights on only when i forget to turn them off. LOL.
What;s your mortal enemy's theme song?
San ge xin yuan.
Idk what has it got to do with my mortal enemy.
What's your personality like?
Never had a dream come true.
What song will be played at your wedding?
yi zhi du xiu.
No comments man, really!
Tag 5 people.
Anyone can do it if they want to. :D