Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I caught my first NC16 movie today, with my 2 lovely ladies!
And one guy. LOL.

It's not scary, only disturbing. Th scene whr th person dies, th blood is all over th face, dripping.
Winnie kept repeating this word to me; GORY! True! LOL.
She shouted in my ear, twice. Luckily she doesn't have earsplitting voice. Ha!
Most of th time winnie was resting her head on me, looking at my expression. She doesn't dare to look at th scene, cause its gory. LOL.

I enjoyed th movie, except th ending left me thinking for few secs before i understands it.
Fiona is hottttt. LOL.

After tat went arcade. Played ezdj. Not very nice at cwp.
Went back lot, ezdj dont know go whr alr! ):
Played ddr. Audition makes my finger twist, ddr makes my leg twist.

ZhangBoZhi&AhJiao& other superstars are coming over tml.
Another crazy day. Let's go wild!!!!

Let me share a story, by SEAN COVEY:

A friend of mine, returning to south Africa from along stay in Europe, found herself with some spare time at th airport.
Buying a cup of coffee&a small package of cookies, she went to an unoccupied table. She was reading her papers when she felt someone rustling at her table.
She was flabbergasted to see a neatly dressed young man helping himself to her share of cookies. She did not want to make a scene, so she just leaned across&took th cookie herself.
After a while, more rustling. By th time they were down to th last cookie, th man broke th cookies into two, pushed th half to her, ate th other half&left. Th woman was fuming, but could not bring herself to say anything.
Some time later, she went to present her ticket, she was still fuming. Imagine her embarrassment when she opened her bag&was confronted by her package of cookies. She had been eating his.

So what's th point? Simply this- Our paradigms are often incomplete, inaccurate, or completely messed up. Therefore, we shouldn't be so quick to judge, label, or form opinions of view, we seldom see th whole picture, or have all th facts.

I'm going crazy.
Best friend tells me:
Express your feeling for him!
No, i cant. I don't have th immense courage to do so.
Nobody can help me. D:

Replies to tag;

Jer- Wthells ok. You blogged abt th part you fooled me! Ahhhhh, i hate AhJiao!

Rebecca- Ya la, life is full of surprising challenges&you have to go through them in order to live your life to th fullest. :DDD

ShiWei- don't cry la, ZhangBoZhi must me strong one. AhToh! If cannt spot den come ask me ok! I'll be delightful! :DD

ChuHui- Haha! Okok. :D Cool bah? You want i send it to you?

Mel- Sure, asap. :D