Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Nilah did this test & she passed it to me. Since i have nth to do so i did it.

rules of the game:Each player of this game starts off with ten weird things or habits or little known facts about themselves. People who get tagged must write in their blog of their own ten weird things or habits or little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end of it, you must choose six people and list out their names. And no tagging me back.WAKAKA!!

1. I eat fish eye. Its delicious.

2. I'm scared of ghost but i like to watch ghost movies.

3. I laugh alot.

4. I still sleeps with my daddy.

5. I eat alot but i want to lose weight.

6. I like to bluff people with lame things.

7. I have 3 pet spiders in my bedroom, i let them roam freely.

8. My house keep pets like ants[harmless] & lizards. We feed them regularly.

9. My favorite show is channel 8 9pm show. LOL.

10. I hate my family, sometimes.

You're tagged;

1. Kassandra

2. ChuHui

3. ShiQi

4. Ah Boy

5. Anthony

6. RenHao